Personnel/Performance Management Support/Implementation Solutions

From existing workforces through to new employers Sunline (ACT) assists clients with a comprehensive range of tools and support mechanisms.  These are aimed at making the overall process of human resource management that much easier and professional including:

Developing and implementing personnel policies and procedures

ie a range of information available to all employees that sets forth the organizations expectations.  This is particularly important in the area of Occupational Health and Safety/Employee Welfare.

Performance Management of employees to aid in either achievement of long term career aspirations or short-term performance issues can be fundamental in the organization achieving its aims.  In the event a company gets this stage wrong can prove costly, unsettling and in a sensitive industrial environment damaging to a firms reputation.

We can review your current circumstances issues and provide you with tools to get this area moving smoothly.

Employment Contracts whether on offer to new employees or being introduced to the existing team re-inforcing the organizations terms of employment is both valuable to individuals and employer. We always remind clients that in introducing formalised contracts there is nothing for staff to fear, they protect the employee as well!

Our range of standard employment contract templates developed in conjunction with other guidelines such as Policy and Procedure provides a safeguard that underpins the “contractual” elements of employment.  Let us talk you through the options.

Succession Planning is too often overlooked within organizations especially small to medium firms often arising at a time or urgency or crisis.  Identifying your firms shortfalls or opportunities is an ongoing issue that is ignored at peril.  Take some time to allow us to assist you in exploring the options, alternatives and initiative opportunities this process can present.

Industrial Relations workplace circumstances in Australia are complex and always changing.  Any organization with employees regardless of its size is subject to the rules and regulations of many industrial instruments whether they like it or not!  These include a plethora of Agreements, Awards, Acts all governed by Local/Federal agencies and bodies.

Bringing your organization up to speed with where it currently stands including potential threats and safeguards is paramount.  In today’s commercial environment no organization can claim exemption through lack of understanding.  This process can be as simple as looking where the organization has been, where it is now and plans to be.  Matching this profile within the National model is one less item to contemplate and grapple with particularly in the event of a workplace issue.

Sunline (ACT) has assisted numerous clients with workplace certification under numerous jurisdictions, think of it as additional insurance!

Training and Development is a field many firms consider only at job skill level and then generally at time  of employment or job change. What is often overlooked are opportunities in other ways to benefit the organization.

Clients find it useful to have a “skills matrix” prepared that identifies across the company highlighting all the strengths and shortfalls within the team.  With this completed an assessment can then identify in house training options or whether out sourced training maybe appropriate. Additionally in a busy working environment managers can prioritise the key areas requiring attention.