Business Development/Guidance/Assistance

Policy Development

Through detailed consultation we are able to either assist in developing policy and procedures that fit the needs of the organization.  Examples include policies relating to:

  • Workplace Health and Safety
  • Codes of Conduct
  • Leave (all categories)
  • Company vehicles
  • Performance Management.

Additionally, for those organizations who have existing policies and procedures  we can review them to ensure they comply with legislative guidelines and just as importantly suit where your business is at. This is a critical area so often overlooked, we urge business leaders to consider this area critically.

Assistance with Presentations

Have you the need to prepare a formal presentation to a client or similar?  Not sure where to start, working to a tight deadline or simply don’t have the resources.  We are able to assist you in understanding exactly what is required and needs to be covered.  Assistance in preparation of:

  • background information
  • Supporting statistics/facts
  • Presentation body content incorporating the key messages
  • Hard copy, PowerPoint, visual, online presentations etc, whatever suits the circumstances can be prepared in conjunction with you.

Sales Planning/Forecasting

So many organizations when asked where they are up to in their planning and forecasting cycle tell us they are too busy doing other things!

A simple look at where your sales are at based on historical information linked into the bottom line result creates a timely opportunity to set plans.  This is also a time to factor into the process those elements over which you have control and those you don’t.

Planning and forecasting does not need to be overly complex or time consuming otherwise it either won’t happen, worse still ends up in a draw! Let us walk you through some simple models.

We believe implicitly in the message to business ‘If you can’t measure it…don’t do it’.

Advertising/Promotional Support

This often complex, costly and ever changing element of business operation can deliver outstanding success or disappointment.

We can assist you in looking at your current needs or talk you through options available based on our experiences with the many alternative channels.

Additionally, Sunline (ACT) has access to one of the regions leading complete full service advertising and marketing communications agency who can assist in delivering a vast array of solutions to organizations of all sizes.

We would gladly assist in steering you to this leading organisation.

Business Plan Development

Effective business plans are often overlooked as business owners are busy handling the day to day issues of managing an organization whatever its size.  The reality is that in developing and implementing business plans, even simple ones can assist in untangling the distractions that hinder the daily, weekly and monthly cycles.

Guiding clients through the business planning process presents the opportunity to step back and take an aerial view of the organization.