Company Policies/Procedures/Work Health and Safety- Canberra/NSW

Work Health and Safety Regulations as outlined in the 2011 National Legislation mean obligations on Employers/Employees/Suppliers and others are in place.
We urge everyone to remember;
* This legislation is binding on all parties
* It is not going away!
* Ignore it at your peril
* The consequences of failure on any part are very serious including large fines/imprisonment

These are the realities of the modern workplace. Seek assistance, it’s not difficult.

Contact SUNLINE 02 62557050…or log an enquiry on our page….UP2U

HR/IR/Staffing Issues Simplified

We deal with issues everyday regarding employee related situations. Often these are far less complex and worrying than employers know.
The SUNLINE Team will assist your organisation in identifying issues and pointing the leadership team toward a SOLUTION that works for everyone.
Our advice is not to allow any matters create circumstances that result in a spiral of events downward.

Seeking external assistance is easy, effective and indeed a safety net.

Contact us SUNLINE, call us at 02 62557050 or log an enquiry…UP2U


Many small Business organisations we work with started out and operated for a long period without a solid a credit/terms of trade policy.

This is a critical area for ongoing business management and if ignored can cause your organisation financial harm. We can assist and guide you through the debtor pursuit challenge…

Contact SUNLINE ACT 0262557059 or log an enquiry…UP2U

Outstanding Debtors

Experience learned from our clients who have debts well over terms indicates numerous factors. Addressing Debtors is often difficult and challenging, it doesn’t need to be.
SUNLINE ACT can assist with Debtors on numerous fronts, both from a practical and policy point of view.

Remember deal only with an Organisation that respects your right to make a profit…otherwise don’t touch them.

This is easy to say, but some guidance in this important aspect of Business will reward.

For assistance contact SUNLINEACT 62557050 or log an enquiry…UP2U